"You just put your hands on - and people feel better."
Chiyoko Yamaguchi

"You just put your hands on - and people feel better."
Chiyoko Yamaguchi


Jikiden Reiki FAQs
Since using Reiki, I have become more grounded, connected, and aware of the life force and energy that animates us all. I have also witnessed very powerful reactions in my clients. HW

What is Reiki?
In Japanese, Reiki means "mystical or miraculous energy". In some Japanese dictionaries it is described as, "the magical energy that fills the forest." This comes from the understanding that the same energy runs through everything; nature, people and animals. It is an entirely natural thing and in no way weird or extraordinary, though it is portrayed that way in the West occasionally.
If Reiki is the natural, wonderful energy of life, then giving this Reiki energy to yourself and others is also a natural tendency. One long forgotten in our turbulent times. Everyone and anyone can give Reiki, you do not have to be a 'healer' or see yourself as a 'spiritual' person to do it. Placing your hands on someone allows the energy to be pulled through and flow into their body. The body then uses the energy to do what comes naturally - healing.
The natural healing ability we all possess is working hard for us everyday, often overloaded and sometimes so overwhelmed it has shut down. The Reiki energy helps to awaken and accelerate the natural healing ability, often producing extraordinary results.

If this is so natural, why do I have to take a Reiki course?
Even though everyone has Reiki energy running through them, in our current age and way of being, the flow has become restricted. During the course, you receive what we call 'Reiju', which helps to clear the connection and allow much more Reiki energy to flow through you.
The course therefore reconnects you with your natural ability to heal yourself and help others. It also provides you with comprehensive tools and information that allows you to use the energy in the most effective way.

What is 'Reiju'?
In the 1920s, Japanese founder, Usui sensei, devised a simple way to clear the connection we all have to this ability within. Our natural state. His method has been passed down through generations for more than 90 years.
In the west, you often hear the word 'attunement', yet this has a slightly different meaning than the Japanese 'Reiju'. There is nothing new to 'tune in' to. You already have Reiki running through you. The easiest analogy is to imagine cleaning a pipe that is clogged - you do not have to build a new pipe or tune into a new frequency like a radio station. Reiju simply clears the pipe you already have so the flow is more abundant and can then have a greater effect when given to yourself or others.
I have written a blog about Reiju, please take a look.

Will I get tired during a Reiki treatment?
No. Quite the opposite, it often energises you. When you give Reiki you are not using your own energy, the Reiki energy is coming through you and is pulled into the person's body. Provided you are sitting or standing in a comfortable position so that you don't strain yourself, it will not make you tired. Sometimes it feels like a calm meditation.

What happens during a Reiki treatment?
It depends on the kind of treatment you are doing. If you are giving a formal treatment, the client usually lies down on a bed or treatment table, though they can sit if this isn't possible. The practitioner lays his or her hands gently on the client. Practitioners learn in the training how to ascertain which parts of the body are holding more toxins and therefore need more Reiki. They place their hands on those areas and stay there to allow the energy to flow.
You can also give informal treatments in the course of your everyday life. For example if someone injures themselves or if a friend or relative has a headache. You can also put your hands on to give Reiki while you are watching TV together or sitting and chatting.

Are there any contraindications to Reiki?
No. Reiki is completely safe to be used in all situations, it cannot harm you because, provided the practitioner is simply allowing the energy to come out without trying to will anything else to happen, the client's body will simply use the Reiki to enhance healing in whatever way is best for it. Nothing is being forced and nothing is unnatural.
It is great for children and babies too. You can never give too much Reiki, however, if someone is very sick and receives a lot of Reiki, the detoxifying effects can cause some flu-like symptoms. It's not usually severe, but if the client finds it too intense, you simply make each treatment shorter until the effects lessen.

What does 'Jikiden' mean?
It means 'directly taught' or 'directly passed down'. Chiyoko Yamaguchi and her son, Tadao, began the Jikiden Reiki seminars because they wanted to make the Reiki teachings she and her family had learned from Hayashi sensei in the 1930s available to everyone. Hayashi sensei was one of only 20 teachers created by Usui sensei, the founder. Because Hayashi was a doctor, he was able to open a Reiki centre in Tokyo where he and his students volunteered and practiced Reiki on those who came to have treatments.

I have seen many styles of Reiki, what does Jikiden Reiki teach?
The courses replicate those given by Chujiro Hayashi in the 1930s. He faithfully continued Usui, his teacher's Reiki after his death. The techniques are very simple, nothing has been added or westernised.
You can see a video about the Jikiden Reiki courses here.

Are there symbols or mantras in Jikiden Reiki?
Yes there are only a few, and the ways of understanding and using them are quite different from Western style Reiki. In Jikiden Reiki they are called shirushi, jumon and kototama. The original concepts behind the symbols and mantras (kototama) in Reiki were very clear and awareness of their meaning is important.
I explain more about all of this in the training.

Who should learn Jikiden Reiki?
Anyone who is curious or drawn to it. Those who attend the trainings are both complete beginners and Reiki teachers who are interested in learning more about the roots of Reiki and what was originally taught in the courses in Japan.
Jikiden Reiki is something that becomes part of your life rather than something you 'do'. I think about my body and my health in an entirely new way since learning and my fears of sickness have faded away as I know I have Reiki to help me get through.
I talk more about the reasons to learn Reiki on the Benefits page.

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait
a single moment before starting to improve the world."
Anne Frank