"You just put your hands on - and people feel better."
Chiyoko Yamaguchi

"You just put your hands on - and people feel better."
Chiyoko Yamaguchi


Shoden and Okuden
Amanda is a truly special teacher. It was both an honour and such a great experience learning from her. She has every quality a good teacher should have.
I feel that her deep knowledge, understanding and experience has helped me develop and grow so much. Thank you Amanda Jayne!
HP, Shihankaku

What are Shoden and Okuden?
Shoden and Okuden are the practitioner levels in Jikiden Reiki. In them you will learn everything you need to know to give Reiki to yourself and other people - physical, psychological and how to help your loved ones who live far away.

Shoden level
Shoden level has three sections and you will receive one reiju in each section to help the energy flow through you well.
There is a mixture of theory and practice to help you fully understand all you need to know.
I teach Shoden over one and a half or two days. However, it can be done over three days with more practice - if you have a group of people who would like to learn and prefer that please let me know. I am happy to come to your area to teach if you have a group wanting to learn.

In Shoden you will come to understand...
The history of Reiki in Japan and how the Yamaguchi family came to practice Reiki in the 1930s
How Japanese culture is intrinsic in the understanding of Reiki
Shizen Joka Ryoku – The body’s natural cleansing system
The meaning of and history behind the Gokai or five principles
The meaning of and history behind the Shirushi (symbol) used for treatment and
how and when to use it.
The concept of Byosen – how and where toxins usually accumulate in the body

After Shoden you will be able to...
Use Reiki to treat yourself and enhance your natural healing system
Administer first aid using Reiki
Give full treatments to others for injuries, minor ailments, more serious conditions, relaxation and rejuvenation
Identify which areas in a person’s body have an accumulation of toxins or Byosen
Begin to open your awareness to a variety of sensations in your hands that indicate the level of toxins in the body
Perform Ketsueki Kokan Ho – a massage technique used at the end of most treatments
Practice Hatsurei Ho – a home practice to enhance the sensitivity of the hands so that Byosen be felt more easily and keep the Reiki flow stronger
Chant the Gokai in Japanese!!
Once you have finished training, there is ongoing support for all students
Teaching Shoden Reiki courses

Okuden level
Okuden level has two sections and you will receive a further reiju in each section.
There is a mixture of theory and practice to help you fully understand all you need to know.
I usually teach Okuden over one day. However, it can be done over two days with more practice time. If you have a group of people who would like to learn and prefer that please let me know. I am happy to come to your area to teach if you have a group wanting to learn.

After completing Okuden you will be able to...
Treat yourself and others in order to bring about change in certain habits. Such habits could include worrying too much, stubbornness, procrastination, excessive anger or even eating too many sweets!
Help yourself and others give up unwanted addictive habits such as smoking or drinking too much
Use Sei Heki Chiryo to treat psychological issues, anxiety and the effects of trauma
Use a Jumon and mantra to send distant Reiki to people anywhere in the world
Understand Usui sensei (the founder of Reiki)’s intentions when he created this wonderful healing system

Can I take Shihankaku with you?
Yes, I teach Shihankaku workshops on request. If you are wanting to take this level, please contact me to discuss it.
Please note, you must have taken Shoden and Okuden with a Jikiden Reiki Teacher and fulfilled the requirements stated in your textbook to move on to Shihankaku.
You can learn more about the teacher levels here.

Shikoku, Japan
Okuden Reiki group

Thank you for being just the best teacher for me on this first step of learning more about Jikiden reiki. Really thorough, supportive, knowledgable, and down to earth!! I feel really, very lucky to have found you as a teacher in this part of the world! KW